Interesting African Fact: What is the World’s largest living frog?

Some interesting fact note! Goliath frog is the largest living frog. They grow up to 13 inches or 32 centimetres in length from snout to vent. They have a relatively small habitat range in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. Currently, their numbers are going down because of their habitat destruction and its collection for trade and food.

They are normally found in the fast-flowing rivers. These rivers are highly oxygenated and clear. They are found in extremely humid areas with quite high temperatures. They generally stay in the rivers during the day and often emerge on land at night.

They can live up to 15 years in the wild and can live up to 21 years, when in captivity.

Goliath tadpoles are herbivores and eat a single aquatic plant, Dicraei warmingii. Adult frogs eat spiders, insects, and worms.


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